Hope Smiles

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a dentistry for unreached communities

in partnership with Hope smiles + Third Lens

Hope Smiles seeks to awaken hearts and mobilize a global community of leaders to restore hope and transform lives through dentistry. They develop and empower servant leaders to restore hope and transform lives by mobilizing and equipping sustainable dental teams in unreached communities throughout the USA, Haiti, & Uganda.

Brian O’Neil and I crossed paths a few years ago when he first introduced me to what Third Lens does. The focus of RAD at its inception was to allow architecture to serve as a catalyst to organizations and people who provide social impact, and after hearing about the opportunities coming up with Third Lens I immediately knew we would be partnering on projects. RAD has had the opportunity to help with a few different projects over the years, but the most recent was for an organization called Hope Smiles.

Through dentistry, they restore hope and transform lives through the development of servant leaders and equip dental teams in unreached communities. Alongside Third Lens, we had the pleasure of joining forces with the team at Hope Smiles and design a new Dental Clinic for a community in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Third Lens facilitated the team, organized the design process and led Hope Smiles to produce a design that reflects the mission behind the organization. Teaming with Brian and his team over at Third Lens gives us an opportunity to do what we do best, creatively problem solve for organizations like Hope Smiles and provide well designed space so they can have the greatest impact possible.


Social Impact

Info coming soon.

social impactMichael Rickman